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Lennon Stella - The Making of 'Three. Two. One.' 4 года назад

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Lennon Stella - The Making of 'Three. Two. One.'

A couple of the magic souls that made this album everything that it is. Im so in love with this tribe makes my heart hurt ❤️((there is also many more that made this possible that aren’t in this video)) but here are a few. Hope this gives ya a deeper understanding of some of these songs and the sweet moments in the makin of them xoxoxo __ Listen to Lennon Stella’s album ‘Three. Two. One.’ now: Follow Lennon Stella: Instagram:   / lennonstella   Facebook:   / lennonstellaofficial   Twitter:   / lennonstella   Snapchat:   / lennonstella   Website: See Lennon Stella on tour:
