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Emmanuel Jal & Enzo Siffredi - Shake Your Belly (The Wild Child Remix) [Wired]

Experience the mesmerizing power of Afro House with "Shake Your Belly (The Wild Child Remix)" by Emmanuel Jal & Enzo Siffredi, now out on Wired. This vibrant remix takes listeners on an immersive journey, seamlessly blending deep house grooves and African vocals. Emmanuel Jal, renowned for his compelling style, teams up with the versatile Enzo Siffredi to create an energetic track. This remix by the talented The Wild Child gives the original track an energy that will get your body moving. 🔗 Stream & Download Emmanuel Jal & Enzo Siffredi - Shake Your Belly (The Wild Child Remix): Subscribe to Wired:    / wiredmusic   Get Wired: • Instagram:   / wired.label   • Spotify: • Soundcloud:   / wiredonline   #afrohouse #afro #wiredmusic #remix
