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The history of Westminster Abbey. On this day in History. Visit London.

Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the United Kingdom's most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and a burial site for English and, later, British monarchs. #OnThisDay #Education #History The building itself was a Benedictine monastic church, until the monastery was dissolved in 1539. Between 1540 and 1556, the abbey had the status of a cathedral. Since 1560, the building is no longer an abbey or a cathedral, having instead the status of a Church of England "Royal Peculiar", a church responsible directly to the sovereign. According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080, a church was founded at the site, in the seventh century at the time of Mellitus, a Bishop of London. Construction of the present church began in 1245 on the orders of King Henry III. Since the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066, all coronations of English and British monarchs have occurred in Westminster Abbey. Sixteen royal weddings have occurred at the Abbey since 1100. The Abbey is the burial site of more than 3300 persons, usually of prominence in British history: at least 16 monarchs, 8 Prime Ministers, poets laureate, actors, scientists, military leaders, and the Unknown Warrior. As such, Westminster Abbey is sometimes described as "Britain's Valhalla", after the iconic hall of the chosen heroes in Norse mythology. A late tradition claims that Aldrich, a young fisherman on the River Thames, had a vision of Saint Peter near the site. This seems to have been quoted as the origin of the salmon that Thames fishermen offered to the abbey in later years, a custom still observed annually by the Fishmongers' Company. The recorded origins of the Abbey date to the 960s or early 970s, when Saint Dunstan and King Edgar installed a community of Benedictine monks on the site. The Westminster Abbey is one of the most visited sites in London. On this days is an educational channel, Don`t forget to like and subscribe our channel. Translated titles: La historia de la Abadía de Westminster. En este día en la Historia. Visite Londres. Die Geschichte der Westminster Abbey. An diesem Tag in der Geschichte. Besuchen Sie London. L'histoire de l'abbaye de Westminster. En ce jour de l'histoire. Visitez Londres. A história da Abadia de Westminster. Neste dia da História. Visite Londres. वेस्टमिंस्टर एब्बे का इतिहास। इस दिन 威斯敏斯特大教堂的历史。历史上的这一天。参观伦敦。 威斯敏斯特大教堂的歷史。歷史上的這一天。參觀倫敦。 ウェストミンスター寺院の歴史。歴史のこの日。ロンドンをご覧ください Istoria Abației Westminster. În această zi din Istorie. Vizitați Londra. История Вестминстерского аббатства. В этот день в исто
