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Скачать с ютуб 酸種麵包製作, 沒有鑄鐵鍋或披薩石怎辦?How to Make Sourdough without Dutch Oven or Pizza Stone? (Eng. Subtitles) в хорошем качестве

酸種麵包製作, 沒有鑄鐵鍋或披薩石怎辦?How to Make Sourdough without Dutch Oven or Pizza Stone? (Eng. Subtitles) 3 года назад

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酸種麵包製作, 沒有鑄鐵鍋或披薩石怎辦?How to Make Sourdough without Dutch Oven or Pizza Stone? (Eng. Subtitles)

(Please scroll down for English description) 這是我做麵包系列內一個影片,經常都遇到啲朋友問我話佢冇Dutch Oven ( 鑄鐵鍋) 或者 Pizza Stone (披薩石),咁仲可唔可以焗到 Sourdough?我今次特登做一個實驗,焗一個就係冇用 Dutch Oven 或者係 Pizza Stone 嘅睇下點樣,結果都相當成功,即係話就算得個 baking tray 一樣可以焗到。但我要強調一點,就係每個人嘅焗爐都唔同,我部焗爐可以去到260度以上,所以就算係純粹一個焗盤我都可以焗到,但如果焗爐上唔到呢個溫度,我就唔肯定情況會係點呀,點都好都係一個參考,希望對你有用啦。 材料(2麵包): 高筋麵粉 650g 全麥麵粉 50g 混合穀物麵粉 50g 鹽 15g 酸種 300g 水 480g This video is one my my bread making series, I was always asked a question whether Sourdough Bread could be made if no Dutch Oven or Pizza Stone. In this video, I particularly ran an experiment to bake a sourdough bread without Dutch Oven or Pizza Stone, the result was very successful, it means that just using a baking tray can still make sourdough bread. However, I would like to high light that each oven is different, my one can reach over 260C, hence, even just using a baking tray I could bake a sourdough bread. If an oven cannot reach such high temperature, I am not sure the result, nonetheless, I hope this video is a good reference and useful for you. Ingredients: Strong Bread Flour 650g Whole Wheat Flour 50g Mixed Grain Flour 50g Salt 15g Sourdough Starter 300g Water 480g This video is in Cantonese with English Subtitles. ____________________________________________________________ 如你願意支持我的頻道請前往⤵️ If you would like to support my channel, please click here⤵️ ____________________________________________________________ 製作酸種 Making sourdough starter:    • 天然麵包酸種酵母(香港製造) Sourdough Starter (Mad...   最近做酸種麵包 Latest sourdough related videos: 酸種麵包製作應否用水合法 Autolyze or Not for Making Sourdough    • 酸種麵包製作,應否用水合法? Autolyze or Not for Ma...   餵養酸種天然酵母 Feeding of Sourdough Starter    • 餵養酸種天然酵母 Feeding of Sourdough Starter...   全麥酸種麵包2021版 Whole Wheat Sourdough 2021 Version    • 全麥酸種麵包2021版 Whole Wheat Sourdough 202...   酸種麵包2020第2版 Sourdough Bread 2020 2nd Version    • 酸種麵包2020第2版 (長片) Sourdough Bread 2020...   酸種麵包, 石燒與鑄鐵鍋的比較 Sourdough, Stone Grilled vs Dutch Oven    • 酸種麵包製作, 石燒與鑄鐵鍋的比較 Sourdough Making, S...   音樂製作 Music composed by Peter Kwok   / Email: [email protected] If you want to share my joy of cooking, please subscribe to my channel, click the little bell and you will be notified when I have new video. 如果有興趣分享煮食樂趣,請訂閱我的頻道,打開小鐘鈴,有新片便會通知你! Facebook   / homechefgary   Instagram   / home_chef_gary   Email: [email protected] #homebakery #homemadebread #bakery #bakingbread #baking #baker #bake #bread #breadmaking #breadtalk #breadbaking #breads #sourdough #sourdoughbread #自家製麵包 #酸種 #yummy #yummyfood #delicious #deliciousfood #tasty #tastyfood #recipe #foodrecipe #天然酵母麵包
