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The Aguiyi-Ironsi Coup of January 16, 1966 5 месяцев назад

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The Aguiyi-Ironsi Coup of January 16, 1966

You must have been familiar with Nigeria’s first military coup of January 15, 1966, which was carried out by Major Kaduna Nzeogwu and his military colleagues. However, within that coup, there was another coup — the Aguiyi-Ironsi coup of January 16, 1966. Join this channel to become a member: Get Ayomide Akinbode's latest historical novels on Amazon: Subscribe to HistoryVille: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on Social Media: Facebook:   / thehistoryville   Instagram:   / historyville   Twitter:   / historyville   LinkedIn:   / historyville   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit our website for interesting historical articles:
