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Russian Fishing 4 - REVISITED - #3: Trolling Mosquito Lake!

Russian Fishing 4 - REVISITED - #3: Trolling Mosquito Lake! ** I am BACK at Russian Fishing 4 ** September 18, 2019 was the last time I uploaded and played Russian Fishing 4 (RF4), after many personal issues I had with the powers that be from within. Since that time, I had moved on to focusing on Fishing Planet, Ultimate Fishing Simulator, and many other games. After all this time, those same powers that be have long since departed. With my buddy Dulakaba/Kache taking back to Youtube and RF4 along with it, I have decided to end my boycott of the game since the problem never really was with the game itself! RF4 is and always will be a top notch fishing simulator. While I wouldn't say it is better than Fishing Planet; I would say that it at least its equal, just in different ways. The fact that they have been close competitors has only been great for us, the players, in getting quality gaming! In this episode, I am continuing to explore the NEW Mosquito Lake. Even after trying to play on my older profile where I am a level 21, it is still difficult as I am still just as unfamiliar with all the good fishing spots! Plus, every day has been sunny, which is not the best type of weather for the majority of species here, so I have decided to go the safe route and do some trolling. In sunny weather, you can generally expect to catch plenty of perch, and the occasional pike and chub! HAWK LINKS:    / hawkeyem     / hawkeye0130 Business Inquiries: [email protected] *** NOTE – For Serious Inquiries ONLY. All Scammers WILL be Reported to the highest Levels FISHING SIMULATOR PLAYLISTS: Fishing Planet – Season 6 (2022)    • Fishing Planet - Season 6 (2022) - Ha...   Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2    • Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2 - Early ...   Ultimate Fishing Simulator and DLCs    • Ultimate Fishing Simulator - FULL Ver...   Ice Lakes – Ice Fishing Competitions, Tournaments, and Gameplay    • Ice Lakes - Ice Fishing Competitions,...   HUNTING SIMULATOR PLAYLISTS: Way of the Hunter    • Way of the Hunter   theHunter Classic: Season 8 (2022)    • theHunter Classic: Season 8 (2022)   Call of the Wild – Season 2    • theHunter Call of the Wild - Season 2   SURVIVAL / HORROR PLAYLISTS: BIGFOOT 4.4 UPDATE – INTRODUCING YELLOWSTONE PARK!    • BIGFOOT 4.4 UPDATE - INTRODUCING YELL...   BIGFOOT 4.2 & 4.3 UPDATES - NEW WINTER MAP AND AI!    • BIGFOOT 4.2 & 4.3 UPDATES - NEW WINTE...   7 Days to Die ALPHA 20 – Singleplayer    • 7 Days to Die ALPHA 20 - Singleplayer   7 Days to Die GenX Team Alpha 20 Co-Op Modded    • 7 Days to Die GenX Team Alpha 20 Co-O...   FIRST LOOKS & REVIEWS    • FIRST LOOKS & REVIEWS   For MORE Playlists, check the following link:    / @hawkeyem   HELP THE HAWK CHANNEL CONTINUE TO GROW AND HIS CONTENT TO BECOME EVEN BETTER! CHECK OUT HIS PATREON PAGE AND BECOME AN OFFICIAL PATRON!   / hawkeyem   FRIENDS/GENX TEAM CHANNELS DULAKABA/KACHE'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL:    / squatchcraft   iPossum's Gaming Channel:    / @ipossum1080   BunnyNZ's Gaming Channel:    / @bunnynzplays   Phreekbird's (Mike Rice) Gaming Channel:    / @mikerice  
