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Скачать с ютуб Vince Gilligan On How Walter White's True Character Revealed Itself | Fireside Chat | Breaking Bad в хорошем качестве

Vince Gilligan On How Walter White's True Character Revealed Itself | Fireside Chat | Breaking Bad 6 лет назад

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Vince Gilligan On How Walter White's True Character Revealed Itself | Fireside Chat | Breaking Bad

Was Walter White a good person? Vince Gilligan talks about the evolution of Walt becoming Heisenberg over time. Breaking Bad Creator Vince Gilligan sits for a signature YouTube Fireside Chat At YouTube Space LA with Comedian, Host, and Nerdist founder/CEO Chris Hardwick to discuss Breaking Bad’s 10th anniversary. Vince revisits pivotal moments in the history of Breaking Bad, both in front of and behind the camera, adding new insight and detail to the experience of making the show while also sharing his perspectives on storytelling gleaned throughout his career. Subscribe for exclusive content:
