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Dr Kieran Hazzard; The Clives & India: Collecting, Display and Colonialism

Seminar Three: The Robert Clive Collections and Gifts Re-Examined The ways in which historic house collections have been acquired can be troubling and controversial to a 21st century audience. In some cases, these treasures gathered from around the world are the product of conflict, exploitation and plunder. This seminar peeks behind the scenes at one of them: Powis Castle in Wales holds one of the most important collections of South Asian art and artefacts in Europe. The collection was gathered by two generations of the Clive family and contains over 700 objects from 1744-1803. Presentations will explore the origins of the collection, tracing the relationship between colonialism and acquisition. It will include the gift-centred diplomacy of Robert Clive, the collecting habits of Henrietta Clive, and the self-promotion of Edward Clive through the display of Indian arms and armour. Many visitors to Powis Castle today have little idea that this Welsh estate holds one of the most important collections of Indian artefacts in Europe. In partnership with the National Trust, Dr Kieran Hazzard (University of Oxford) has been leading research into how Robert Clive and his family acquired the collection and how it was displayed over the years. This story is intimately linked to the emergence of the British Raj, to conquest and violence, trade and diplomacy, and to the lasting effects these events have had on Britain, India, and Bangladesh. In this talk, Hazzard introduces the Clives, and the objects they brought to Wales from India. He details the ongoing project and its preliminary findings about the complex origins of the Powis collection. He suggests that this was acquired not just through looting but also by the family’s position at the centre of British imperialism and by the proceeds of colonial violence. He also shows how the Clives displayed their collection in Powis Castle and the statement this made to generations of visitors. Finally, he demonstrates how this changed in the last century, and how the project has led to initial steps to face up to this legacy. _____ Seminar Tri: The Robert Clive Collections and Gifts Re-Examined Gall y ffyrdd y daeth tai hanesyddol i feddiant casgliadau fod yn ddadleuol a pheri gofid i gynulleidfa o'r 21ain ganrif. Mewn rhai achosion, mae'r trysorau hyn a gasglwyd o bob cwr o'r byd yn gynnyrch gwrthdaro, ymelwad ac ysbail. Mae'r seminar yma yn edrych y tu ôl i'r llenni ar un ohonyn nhw: mae Castell Powis yng Nghymru ac un o'r casgliadau pwysicaf o gelf ac arteffactau De Asia yn Ewrop. Casglwyd y casgliad dro dwy genhedlaeth o'r teulu Clive ac mae'n cynnwys dros 700 o wrthrychau o 1744-1803. Bydd y cyflwyniadau yn archwilio gwreiddiau'r casgliad, yn amlinellu'r perthynas rhwng gwladychiaeth a chaffaeliad. Yn cynnwys diplomyddiaeth anrhegion Robert Clive, arferiad casgliad Henrietta Clive, ar ddyrchafiad personol Edward Clive trwy'r arddangosiad o arfogaeth ac arfau o India. Ychydig iawn o'r rheini sy'n ymweld â Chastell Powis heddiw sy'n gwybod y cedwir un o'r casgliadau pwysicaf o arteffactau Indiaidd yn Ewrop yn yr ystâd hon. Mae Dr Kieran Hazzard (Prifysgol Rhydychen), mewn partneriaeth â'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, wedi bod yn arwain yr ymchwil i sut yr oedd Robert Clive a'i deulu wedi cael gafael ar y casgliad a sut cafodd ei arddangos ar hyd y blynyddoedd. Mae'r stori wedi'i chysylltu'n agos ag ymddangosiad yr oruchwyliaeth Brydeinig yn India, ac â gorchfygiad a thrais, masnach a diplomyddiaeth, ac â'r effeithiau parhaus y mae'r rhain wedi'u cael ar Brydain, India a Bangladesh. Yn y sgwrs hon, mae Hazzard yn cyflwyno'r teulu Clive a'r gwrthrychau y daethon nhw â hwy i Gymru o India. Mae'n manylu ar y prosiect sy'n mynd rhagddo a'i ganfyddiadau cychwynnol am ddechreuadau cymhleth casgliad Powis. Mae'n awgrymu y cafwyd gafael arno, nid yn unig trwy ysbeilio'n unig, ond hefyd drwy sefyllfa'r teulu yng nghanol imperialaeth Brydeinig a thrwy enillion trais trefedigol. Mae e' hefyd yn dangos sut yr arddangosodd y teulu Clive eu casgliad yng nghastell Powis a'r datganiad yr oedd hyn yn ei wneud i genedlaethau o ymwelwyr. Yn olaf, mae'n dangos sut newidiodd hyn yn y ganrif ddiwethaf, a sut mae'r prosiect wedi arwain at gamau cychwynnol i wynebu'r etifeddiaeth hon.
