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How Cheap is Phuket, Thailand? 🇹🇭

Phuket Patong everyone wants to be there. But how cheap Phuket can be in high season? The prices are going up to the sky! There are ways to avoid scams and high prices during your Phuket beach life or vacation. But how to make Phuket cheap for you? Starts from the Nightlife on the Bangla Road (called Sin City Thailand) we visit the Phuket Fake Market and eating at some Thai street restaurants. Everything in this Vlog shows you more about the Costs of Living in Phuket Patong. We going around as a Tourist, what is good because you see how the real life in Thailand as a tourist will be. Start from Patong Beach, to the Street Food Corner, to the Phuket Fake Market we going deeper into the tourist life in one of the best parts of Thailand. Avoid Scams in Phuket Patong! It starts with the overcharged Pad Thai and doesn't ends with mango juice mixed with too much water! 0:00 How Cheap is Phuket Patong 2:03 Touristic Area 7:40 Phuket's Fake Market 14:25 Thai Pad Thai 17:26 Street Market 18:53 Supermarket 21:35 Sin City Bangla Road 30:40 Free Beach Festival 31:55 Broken T-Shirt
