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Way Huge Ring Worm Modulator: Overview of Features & Sounds (Instructional Demo)

The Way Huge Ring Worm Modulator Way Huge and Jim Dunlop present a series of instructional demos that provide overviews of Jeorge Tripps' signature Way Huge pedal line along with professional tips on how to use the pedals in musical ways. In this episode, Tal Morris takes you on a tour through the crazy world of the Ring Worm Ring Modulator. Highlighted here are some of the experimental tones possible with the pedal's 5 different LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) wave patterns and Rate, Width, and Frequency controls. However Tal focuses on what truly sets this pedal apart from others like it, that being its Blend control. This feature allows the player to use the pedal in more subtle ways that can add interesting textures without being an overbearing sonic madhouse if they don't want it to be. GEAR USED IN DEMO: Fender "Eric Johnson Signature" Strat + Ring Worm +JCM 900 Marshall combo amplifier Cable supplied by LAVA Cable Recording using Audix i5 & D2 microphones coupled with a Royer 101 Ribbon & Universal Audio Apollo A/D interface. VIDEO CREDITS: Executive Producer: Jimmy Dunlop Instruction & Performance: Tal Morris Director & Camera: Joey Tosi Art Direction: Graham Shaw Editing & Sound: Max Baloian Gaffer: Brian Relph SPECIAL THANKS & LINKS: Jeorge Tripps Universal Audio ( LAVA Cable ( Audix Microphones ( Two Rock Amplification ( B3 Guitars ( Royer Labs (
