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Candle Warmers: Better Than You Think!

Candle Warmers: Better Than You Think! #candles #homefragrance I was not expecting for a candle warmer to be so good! In this video I will let you know the benefits of using a candle warmer. I picked it up because I was curious to know if it had the same performance as burning an actual candle. I was surprised that it did in fact provide amazing performance to my luxury candles. It melts the wax even, every single time without issue. I even noticed it fixes tunneling very easy. I wont be giving up the feeling of seeing a flame flicker, but a candle warmer is an amazing option when I just want to have a candle "burning" without actually having it burning. ----- Accessories I'm using right now: Connect with me: 😎 Here is the link: ----- Business Inquiries: [email protected] **Disclaimer: Some links in the description are affiliate links to the products I use myself, on a daily basis** Thank you so much for the support of the Detailed Dream channel!
