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Dua Al-Ahad by Hussain Ghareeb I دعاﺀ العهد بصوت حسين غريب

This video is no longer playing at high resolution due to YouTube issue. Please see re-upoaded video here:    • Dua Al-Ahad by Hussain Ghareeb | دعاﺀ...   This supplication is of allegiance (ahad) to the holy Imam (as). Its recitation every morning ensures the renewal of this covenant. The reciter finds himself under the leadership of Imam (as).The reciter beseeches Allah to include him among the helpers and aides of Imam (as) Also, he requests Allah that should he die before the reappearance of Imam (as). Allah should raise him up from his grave so that he may assist him (as) in his mission. يُستحب الابتهال إلى الله عزَّ و جلَّ بهذا الدعاء المروي عن الامام جعفر بن محمد الصادق ( عليه السلام ) أربعين صباحاً ، فقد رُوي عن الامام أبي عبد الله الصادق ( عليه السلام ) أنه قال : ( من دعا إلى الله أربعين صباحا بهذا العهد كان من أنصار قائمنا فإن مات قبله أخرجه الله تعالى من قبره و أعطاه بكل كلمة ألف حسنة و محا عنه ألف سيئة ) . Explore these playlists and more featured on this channel Popular Supplications | الادعية المشهورة    • Popular Islamic Duas I الادعية الإسلا...   Ziarat of Ahl al-Bayt | زيارات اهل البيت    • Ziarat Ahl al-Bayt | زيارات اهل البيت...   Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiya | الصحيفة السجادية    • Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiya | الصحيفة السج...   The Whispered Prayers | مناجاة ﺍﻹﻣﺎﻡ السجاد    • The Whispered Prayers of Imam Zain al...   IMANUNA Imanuna is the Arabic word for ‘our faith’ and it is our faith, passion and love for all that is infinitely beautiful that led us to begin sharing Islamic content with others on our journey towards a better tomorrow. We translate Islamic content as a public service for informational and educational purposes, in an effort to advance understanding and overcome communication barriers to benefit the wider community. CONNECT WITH US Facebook:   / imanunalove   Instagram:   / imanunalove   #Allah #Islam #Ahlalbayt #Duas #Imanuna
