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Скачать с ютуб Is This Medieval Paper? Full Test & Review: Nomad Craft Co. Handmade Antique-Style Recycled Paper в хорошем качестве

Is This Medieval Paper? Full Test & Review: Nomad Craft Co. Handmade Antique-Style Recycled Paper 1 год назад

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Is This Medieval Paper? Full Test & Review: Nomad Craft Co. Handmade Antique-Style Recycled Paper

Hello again everyone! I’m trying something new in this video that, while not specifically bookbinding, is nevertheless closely related. As I'm sure many of you did, I recently enjoyed Adam Savage’s (of Mythbusters fame) video in which he made his own handmade book. For that project he used a type of antique-style paper, and I was immediately intrigued, so I ordered some for myself. In this video I’ll be testing out this paper with a full array of stationery and art supplies, and giving you my honest opinion on how it holds up! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like, and do let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more of this type of content. Thanks so much for watching! Cheers, Dennis _______ My Bookbinding Basics Series Chapter 1 - Tools:    • Bookbinding Basics: Chapter 1 - Basic...   Chapter 2 - Materials:    • Bookbinding Basics: Chapter 2 - Basic...   _______ If you'd like to support me directly: You could Buy Me a Coffee here: Or drop a tip in my PayPal account: Four Keys Book Arts digital prints, marbled papers and handmade books can be purchased through my Etsy shop (subject to availability), with worldwide shipping available: Follow me on social media: Instagram   / four_keys_books   Facebook   / fourkeysbookarts   _______ Adam Savage's Video: Nomad Handmade Paper (non-affiliate link):
