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I Trapped My Friends On One Block To Get Revenge

►I Trapped My Friends On One Block To Get Revenge 👍 "LIKE" FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls 👀 FOLLOW ME :D Twitch   / quiff   📲   / infamousquiff   📸   / theinfamousquiff   🕹️Fan Discord:   / discord   my friends ‪@Bionic‬ ‪@Ligeriscool‬ ‪@DoniBobes‬ ‪@Clipsoooo‬ decide to go and trap me on one block, so I escaped and get revenge by trapping them in the void, thats why my friends kill my pet and i take revenge on the deadliest minecraft smp, will i get revenge against my friends, find out if i can trap them on one block now and raise an army. this is a video similar to AJTheBold and MinecraftCurios - The black hole is harder than the skylimit, One Block and void #Minecraft #MinecraftRevenge
