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8 Days on a dinghy | Part Two | Loch Oich and Loch Ness 4 месяца назад

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8 Days on a dinghy | Part Two | Loch Oich and Loch Ness

This is the second instalment of my 8 days on a dinghy adventure in the Scottish Highlands. Part one covers the first 4 days, this video covers the last 4 days. Rowing from Laggan Locks to Loch Oich, sailed Loch Oich then rowed more canal to Fort Augustus. Loch Ness was sailed over two days nd then Dochgarroch to Inverness on the last day. For little old me in little old Skismo this was a bucket-list adventure. Thanks to Frank Whitley & John Fulford for the extra footage Time stamps below: 00:00 Intro 01:56 Approaching Loch Oich 04:11 Shipwreck 05:50 Rain 06:29 Cullochy Lock 10:27 Fort Augustus 15:16 Loch Ness day 1 24:05 Loch Ness day 2 35:19 Sailing Super Goose 38:27 The last day
