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My Name is Prophet Jeremiah This is My Story

My Name is Prophet Jeremiah This is My Story Welcome to Our Bible Stories Channel: Unfolding the Life of Prophet Jeremiah In Hebrew, the name Jeremiah (יִרְמְיָהוּ, Yirmeyahu) or (יִרְמְיָה, Yirmeyah) translates to "the Lord exalts" or "the Lord establishes." In Latin, it is Jeremiah. This name may highlight that Jeremiah was one of the few individuals in the Bible specifically set apart by God for a unique mission before his birth. Born in the city of Anathoth, about 5 kilometers northeast of Jerusalem, his father, Hilkiah, was among the priests in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, part of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Welcome to our Bible Stories Channel, where we delve into the rich tapestry of biblical narratives to uncover timeless lessons and profound wisdom. Today, we journey into the life of the remarkable Prophet Jeremiah. His story is not just a historical account but a source of inspiration, guidance, and reflection for our lives today. Join us as we unfold the layers of Jeremiah's life, his prophecies, and the enduring messages that resonate across generations. Despite being called by God to serve as a prophet, Jeremiah never ceased to be a priest, interceding and weeping for the people, earning him the title "the weeping prophet." Good day, my name is Lucas Dario, and welcome to Testifying Jesus Christ Music. For the sins, I give grace and speeches, beloved. I ask for the help of all of you to subscribe to the channel and activate the notification bell. If you like the video, leave a like, which helps me a lot to produce more videos. Without further ado, let's dive into the video. Jeremiah's ministry began in the 13th year of King Josiah and spanned the reigns of the last five kings of Judah over approximately 40 years. Josiah was one of Judah's most righteous kings, implementing various reforms. When Josiah died, Jeremiah bitterly lamented his passing. After Josiah, four unjust kings ruled: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah, under whose reign the Babylonian forces destroyed Jerusalem and burned the temple. The Book of Jeremiah is the longest of the prophetic books. To give you an idea, if you combine the 12 minor prophet books, they constitute only a third of Jeremiah. Jeremiah lived during the last days of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, consistently warning of imminent disaster due to the nation's neglect of true religion, return to pagan practices, and social injustice. Due to his dire predictions against Judah, Jeremiah faced continuous persecution, ridicule, and hostility from kings and rulers, even being thrown into a pit full of mud or sewage. Jeremiah was not the only prophet of his time; Habakkuk and Zephaniah were among his contemporaries. He also overlapped with Ezekiel, who prophesied in Babylonian captivity. Remarkably, despite one prophesying in Palestine and the other in Babylon, the substance of their messages was similar. Historical Background of Jeremiah During Jeremiah's ministry, in 612 BC, Assyria was defeated by Babylon, which became the dominant military power. Nebuchadnezzar's army partially destroyed Jerusalem in 604 BC, taking many people to Babylon in the first of three main exiles. The second group was taken in 597 BC, and the third and final removal occurred around 586 BC when Jerusalem was burned and destroyed. Despite these invasions, Jeremiah was protected and received freedom and provisions from the invading army captain. Later, Jeremiah was taken against his will, along with his secretary Baruch and the daughters of King Zedekiah, to Egypt, where they escaped and returned to Judah. His final fate is not clearly recorded in the Bible. Jeremiah's Message Jeremiah was appointed as the prophet to the nations and all the kingdoms of the world, primarily to help Israel, though much of his message was directed at Judah. This is significant because the ten northern tribes of Israel were punished and captured in 722 BC, about a hundred years before Jeremiah began his ministry. Thus, his prophecies often refer to future events, including the period before Christ's return at the end of this current era of human governance. Through Jeremiah, God warns modern nations that rejecting God and biblical teachings leads to moral and spiritual degradation, necessitating a terrible penalty. The Lamenting Prophet #prophetjeremiah prophet,jeremiah,prophet jeremiah,the prophet jeremiah,jeremiah the prophet,story of prophet jeremiah,the story of prophet jeremiah,life and mission of the prophet jeremiah,complete history of the prophet jeremiah,major prophets,jeremiah 29:11,story of jeremiah,prophetic visions of jeremiah,jeremiah 1,jeremiah well,jeremiah movie,jeremiah 29 11 meaning,book of jeremiah,prophets,old testament prophets,the hebrew prophet,jeremiah
