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Скачать с ютуб 2 1/2 Puddle Pour - 40"×30" - MelyD Style в хорошем качестве

2 1/2 Puddle Pour - 40"×30" - MelyD Style 7 лет назад

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2 1/2 Puddle Pour - 40"×30" - MelyD Style

How to do a Fluid Painting Here I make a 2 puddle pour on a 40"x30" canvas. The 1/2 I added in the title is because I poured my leftover paints around the 2 puddles. I used acrylic paints that I have added Liquitex Pouring Medium to and then diluted with water. Hope you enjoy! There is a Donate Button on my Homepage that is not mentioned in my videos. It is there in case you read this and feel like helping out with costs for materials. Lotsa love! Facebook -   / melydartist   Instagram -   /   Paintings For Sale -
