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Hyundai: What is N | MotorTrend 2 года назад

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Hyundai: What is N | MotorTrend

Born in Namyang and honed at Nurburgring, Hyundai has developed a new line of performance vehicles built to give you a race-inspired rush. This is N. MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news. Learn more: #ElantraN #HyundaiPerformance Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ Start your MotorTrend Streaming Free Trial today! Follow MotorTrend for the latest! MotorTrend News: MotorTrend App: Facebook:   / motortrend   Instagram:   / motortrend   Twitter:   / motortrend   TikTok:   / motortrend  
