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Скачать с ютуб Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed analysis Part 4 в хорошем качестве

Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed analysis Part 4 3 года назад

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Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed analysis Part 4

In this video we will analyze and learn about India's 2021 budget from examination (UPSC, CDS, NDA, SSC CGL) perspective. This video is the part 4 of Budget 2021. In this video we are going to understand the 4th pillar which is regarding Reinvigorating Human Capital. **Timestamp** 1. School education:- 15,000 schools to be strengthened by implementing all NEP components. @ 0:39 100 new Sainik Schools to be set up in partnership with NGOs/private schools/states @ 1:43 2. Higher education:- Legislation to be introduced to setup Higher Education Commission of India as an umbrella body with 4 separate vehicles for standard-setting, accreditation, regulation, and funding @ 3:27 Creation of formal umbrella structure to cover all Govt. colleges, universities, research institutions in a city for greater synergy. @ 4:59 Central University to come up in Leh for accessibility of higher education in Ladakh @ 8:18 3. Scheduled castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) welfare 750 Eklavya model residential schools in tribal areas: @ 10:25 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for welfare of SCs to be revamped @ 11:31 4. Skilling:- Proposed amendment to Apprenticeship Act to enhance opportunities for youth @ 12:21 Rs. 3000 crore for realignment of existing National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) towards post-education apprenticeship, training of graduates and diploma holders in Engineering @ 13:13 Other parts of the Budget 2021:- Part 1 -    • Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed an...   Part 2 -    • Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed an...   Part 3 -    • Budget 2021 Explained - A detailed an...     / amitsengupta01     / amitsengupta01  
