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Sam Rivera & Evan Craft - If You Only Knew! (Official Music Video)

Official Music Video for "If You Only Knew!" by Sam Rivera and ‪@EvanCraft‬ Stream "If You Only Knew!" here: Connect with Sam: Instagram: Facebook:   / sambrivera   Twitter:   / samriveramusic   Like & Subscribe! Thanks for watching! LYRICS: If you only knew how much he loves No sabes cuanto Él te ama You don’t have to try and earn it He sees you and says you are perfect And He loves you just as you are Con amor incondicional He says that you are worthy, accepted, forever You’re a treasure Feeling insecure everytime you’re on Instagram Caught up in some feelings that you might not understand Looking to fit in but you don’t belong in in the crowd Don’t listen to the lies, the hate, the self doubt Yeah, fuiste hecha para brillar No, no te tienes que comparar You’re worth more than gold, incontable es tu valor I wish you could see If you only knew how much he loves No sabes cuanto Él te ama You don’t have to try and earn it He sees you and says you are perfect And He loves you just as you are Con amor incondicional He says that you are worthy, accepted, forever You’re a treasure You’re beautiful Diseñada por el gran alfarero, A masterpiece, a work of art, tu corazón You’re the image of his love, imagen de su amor Yeah, fuiste hecha para brillar No, no te tienes que comparar You’re worth more than gold, incontable es tu valor I wish you could see If you only knew how much he loves No sabes cuanto Él te ama You don’t have to try and earn it He sees you and says you are perfect #samrivera #evancraft #newmusic
