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✏️ bullet journal for students // simple and functional back-to-school bujo spreads

hello everyone! 👋🏻 welcome back to lootengstudio! ✏️ today’s video is about bullet journaling for students because now it’s the back to school season and in this video, i will share with you some very simple and easy back to school spreads! i hope this video will be helpful to all students who starting school/college/university in the coming month! lastly, remember to study hard and play hard too! 📚 lots of love from lootengstudio ❤️ stationeries ✏️ -tombow dual brush pen (090, 192, 243, 451, 623, 761, 873, 912 & N60) -pentel energel black ink pen (0.5) -bt21 bts sticker sheet -kawaii mochi sticker sheet music 🎶 i do not own the rights to any music used in this video, huge thanks to the rightful owners animal crossing: wild world by Pair Piano    • 놀러오세요 동물의 숲 (Animal Crossing : Wild W...   filming and editing 📹 -iPhone 11 -VLLO about me✨ -22 years old (2 February 1999) -malaysian -university student instagram 📎   / lootengstudio   kofi 🧋 discounts 📔 NOTEBOOK THERAPY: Get a 10% off with code LOOTENGSTUDIO10: ARCHER AND OLIVE: Get a 10% off with code LOOTENGSTUDIO10: MAISIE LANE: Get a 15% off with code LOOTENGSTUDIO15: KAWAII PEN SHOP: Get a 10% off with code ‘LOOTENGSTUDIO10’: THE WASHI TAPE SHOP: Get a 10% off with code LOOTENG10: STATIONERY PAL: Get a 10% off with code LOOTENGSTUDIO10: disclaimer: links included in the description box might be affiliate links. if you purchase a product or service with the links provided, i may receive a small commission with no additional charges to you. thank you for supporting my channel! ✨
