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Скачать с ютуб Axminster Woodturning Tool Rest System - Product Overview в хорошем качестве

Axminster Woodturning Tool Rest System - Product Overview 3 года назад

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Axminster Woodturning Tool Rest System - Product Overview

Take the stress out of buying a rest, with the Axminster Woodturning Tool Rest System. The tool rest system offers a choice of rests and post diameters for different uses, helping you get the right height and fit for your lathe which means turning a range of projects is a breeze. The interchangeable system offers a choice of four rests in a variety of lengths ranging from 100mm to 250mm. There is also an ‘S’ shaped rest for bowl turning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOP - BLOG - FACEBOOK -   / axminstertools   EBAY STORE - EBAY OUTLET - AMAZON STORE - CALL (UK) - 03332 406406
