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Shop Small Singapore | The Barkery | American Express

The Barkery Singapore is dedicated to crafting the best food for man’s best friend. Co-owner Ann Marie believes that there’s no greater reward for a dog’s unconditional love than a wholesome, tasty, and beneficial diet. If something’s not good enough for her own dog, you won’t find it on her shelves. If you’re looking to indulge your beloved furry companions, head down to The Barkery and fill their day with happiness by treating them to the finest treats! » Subscribe to the Amex YouTube Channel: About: American Express is a global service company, providing customers with exceptional access to charge and credit cards, insights and experiences that enrich lives and build business success. Get up close to the passionate lives of rising artists, a new wave of entrepreneurs, and everyday people. Join us for everyday inspiration on the official American Express YouTube channel. More from American Express! Instagram:   / americanexpress   Twitter:   / americanexpress   Facebook:   / americanexpressus   LinkedIn:   / american-express   Shop Small Singapore | The Barkery | American Express    • Shop Small Singapore | The Barkery | ...  
