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LEARN TO SWIM | Stage 1 (Swim England)

Swimming is one of the most vital life skills you can learn. Having swimming lessons help to teach people how to swim, learn the benefits of swimming, and educate kids on pool safety. The Swim England Learn To Swim Programme is the national syllabus of learning to swim for primary school aged children. They are split into progressive stages and are designed to help children towards their development of the essential aquatic skills they need, to be confident, competent and safe in the water. Each of the learn to swim stage awards have a list of outcomes that need to be completed to gain each certificate and badge. These can be achieved by having group swimming lessons or private swimming lessons with a swim instructor at your local swimming pool. In this video, we at Propulsion Swimming, will look at the outcomes that are needed to achieve the Learn To Swim Stage 1 award. 00:00​ INTRO 00:49​ 1. ENTER THE WATER SAFELY 01:04 2. MOVE FORWARDS 5M 01:25 3. MOVE BACKWARDS 5M 01:39 4. MOVE SIDEWAYS 5M 01:57 5. SCOOP WATER AND WASH FACE 02:10 6. WATER SHOWERED FROM OVERHEAD 02:25 7. FLOAT ON BACK TO STANDING 02:47 8. FLOAT ON FRONT TO STANDING 03:07 9. PUSH AND GLIDE ON FRONT 03:34 10. PUSH AND GLIDE ON BACK 03:53 11. POOL RULES 04:13 12. EXIT THE WATER SAFELY 04:32​ SEND OFF 🎵 Music by Ikson -   / ikson   #LearnToSwim #swimengland​ #swimminglessons​ #learntoswimstage1 ------------------------------------------- ✔️ SUBSCRIBE to Propulsion Swimming: 🔔 Hit the bell next to Subscribe so you don't miss a video! 🆕 Our Latest Video: 🏊‍♂️ 📧 [email protected] ------------------------------------------- THE PROPULSION SWIMMING PODCAST 🍏 APPLE PODCAST - 🎙️ SPOTIFY - ⚓ ANCHOR - 🎧 GOOGLE PLAY - ---------------------------------------­--------------------------------- WHATS IN OUR SWIMMING KITBAG? GOGGLES - SNORKEL - BAG - FINS - PADDLES - RESISTANCE BANDS - TRUNKS - WHAT GEAR DO WE SHOOT WITH? IN WATER CAMERA - DRYLAND CAMERA - MICROPHONE - EDITING KEYBOARD - LAPTOP - As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. ------------------------------------------- Here at Propulsion Swimming, we believe the key to swimming, whether you're learning to swim or at the Olympics, is a great swimming technique. That's why we want to bring you the best swimming tutorials through our swimming videos. So if you want to enhance your swimming training be sure to SUBSCRIBE and check out our other films as we try and help you become the next Michael Phelps or Caeleb Dressel!! Scott + Dan Propulsion Swimming
