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What's works best against Ice Worms?🤷 - Subnautica Below Zero Guide

It's inevitable that at some point you'll be dealing with the Ice Worms in Below Zero. These creatures strike from below and can do a good amount of damage. So it makes sense that we have tools to help us against them, but are you really using the RIGHT tools? Subnautica Guides & Tips ► Subnautica Below Zero Guides & Tips ► 💬 Did you enjoy today's video? Comment below. ******************** ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ 0:00 What works best against Ice Worms? 1:18 How dangerous is just walking? 3:23 How well does the Thumper help? 3:59 The Snowfox, all nimbly bimbly 5:56 Prawn Armor Suit ******************** ✨ If you like this video, consider subscribing to #MrSpicyGaming using this Link! ⤵️ You can also join as a Member to get special perks! ► And make sure to visit the website: 🖥 👕 Merch 👕 ► My Setup 💻 & Gear I Use 💻 ► ❇️ Connect with MrSpicyGaming on social media: Discord ▶️   / discord   Twitter ▶️   / mrspicygaming   Help me out even more by using any of these affiliate links! Grow your own YouTube channel with TubeBuddy: Get AMAZING Stream Overlays & Graphics from NerdOrDie:
