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The BEST Gravy Recipe so tasty you'll be running to UR-MAMI

ORDER YOUR COOKBOOKS, EBOOKS, MERCH, & SUSHI MASTERCLASS HERE: LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN EASY AND TASTY VEGETARIAN / VEGAN MUSHROOM GRAVY RECIPE TODAY! LAY HO MA (how's it going in Cantonese)! This velvety, savoury recipe is earthy, comforting, and sure to please any gravy lover. Join me in this episode and learn how to make the most amazing mushroom gravy recipe right at home! Ingredients: 2 pieces garlic 1/2 onion 1 tbsp + splash avocado oil pepper to taste 1-2 small pre-boiled potatoes 7g dried mushrooms 1/2 cup red wine 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp cumin 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp soy sauce 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce 1 cup veggie stock 1/2lb shiitake mushrooms pinch of salt Directions: 1. Roughly chop the garlic and slice the onion 2. Heat up a sauté pan to medium heat. Add 1 tbsp avocado oil followed by the onions, garlic, and pepper to taste. Sauté for about 5-6min 3. Add 1-2 small pre-boiled potatoes and dried mushrooms. Add the red wine, deglaze, and simmer for about 1min. Then, add the cayenne pepper, cumin, smoked paprika, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and veggie stock. Stir and cook for 5-6min 4. Transfer the mixture to a blender and blend on high until completely liquified. You can adjust the thickness of the gravy to your personal preference by adding a little more veggie stock or potato 5. Slice the shiitake mushrooms 6. Heat up a nonstick pan to medium heat. Dry sauté the mushrooms for 4-5min. Add a pinch of salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste 7. Add a splash of avocado oil and sauté for another couple of minutes 8. Heat up the gravy with the mushrooms in the sauté pan If you enjoyed this episode and would love to see more, remember to like, comment, and subscribe so that you won't miss a single episode! Hong Kong born Canadian, Wil Yeung is an international photographer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, violinist, and YouTube chef. He immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy carrying with him his ability to speak Cantonese and some broken English. Much of his culinary aspirations stem from his background in the visual and musical art spaces. Whether you're plant based or plant based curious, Wil believes that learning how to make food can really change your life and of those around you. STAY IN THE LOOP ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Wil's Recipes on Instagram: @yeungmancooking Wil's Recipes on Facebook: Wil's Photography + Video on Instagram: Wil's Photography + Video on Facebook: wyphotography You are watching:    • The BEST Gravy Recipe so tasty you'll...  
