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1:400 Model Airport Stopmotion Movie — Part 1 4 года назад

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1:400 Model Airport Stopmotion Movie — Part 1

Nearly 2,000 images for one minute of video — I hope you all enjoy the finished product! Please like and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for weekly aviation content, and don't forget to check out below for more details about my airport diorama! More Information: I have collected over 65 1:400 scale model airplanes. I stopped collecting a few years ago, but found myself back into it after visiting Geminijets' HQ on Windy Boulevard just adjacent to McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas this summer. The quality and detail of the models has gotten a LOT better over the past few years — aircraft now have antennae, better landing gear, and better moulds. I look forward to bringing you all model airport content to supplement my takeoff and landing videos that I regularly post on Fridays and/or Saturdays! Great deals on model airplanes: Camera: Sony A7iii Lens: Sony G Master 100-400mm Editing: FCPX Custom ground foil from: Please do not use any of the footage or audio in this video without my express permission. Any reproduction of any content within this video constitutes a copyright violation, and I will take action. By Reed Foster
