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Скачать с ютуб Quiet winter days in our farmhouse in the countryside of France в хорошем качестве

Quiet winter days in our farmhouse in the countryside of France 6 дней назад

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Quiet winter days in our farmhouse in the countryside of France

Bonjour! I'd love to welcome you to my Patreon secluded space: In this video I am sharing an update on our life lately. We're getting ready for winter and the holidays and I am already excited about our projects for the next year! :) Thank you as always for being here, I really appreciate all of you and your support! Love, Marloes BECOME A PATREON & SUPPORT MY WORK 🩷   / frenchcountrylife   GET MY COOKBOOK: FIND US ON INSTAGRAM @lasource_bourgogne @marloeshalmans @frenchvintagestyle_com My husband Olav's YouTube channel on our renovations and building works (in Dutch): @AandeFranseslag on YouTube    / @aandefranseslag   BOOKINGS FOR OUR CABIN AND COTTAGE: [email protected] All music via Artlist
