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JCB 4CX Backhoe tearing out the asphalt + (time-lapse)

Here I was tearing out the asphalt because it was damaged. In the next couple of videos, we are going to excavate and prepare for the new asphalt so I hope you guys will like it. So here I was only removing the asphalt because we have to separate all the materials. Timestamps: Normal video: 0:00 Normal video 6:30 Time-lapse Also, I have been getting some kind of hate comments saying I am slow and this and that. So let me explain why is that. First of all, we aren't in a hurry and we take our time and do the job the safest way and the most effective way possible. Also, I am only 20 years old and I have hardly 1000h practice with a backhoe. So I see my mistakes and I watch my videos so I can improve. So before you comment something negative just know before you comment! All songs used in the video are noncopyrighted Song list:    • [Non Copyrighted Music] Fredji - Flyi...      • [Non Copyrighted Music] Fredji - Happ...      • 🌴 [Non Copyrighted Music] @tellyourst...      • 🗼 Copyright Free Inspirational Music ...      • Lioness (Instrumental) – DayFox (No C...   Outro song:    • Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark | Future...   If you like the video comment and like. If you have any suggestions or what can I improve on tell me. And also subscribe! so you don't miss out Follow me on Twitter:   / skythekidpro   For updates.
