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Zones | Songs for Kids | Domenic Bianco 4 года назад

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Zones | Songs for Kids | Domenic Bianco

Hello everyone! I have been working in special education since 2013 years and I wrote this song for my students. The creator of The Zones of Regulation framework is Leah Kuypers, an occupational therapist and educator out of California. Kuypers designed the framework to help foster self regulation and emotional control in students on the autism spectrum. We discuss The Zones in class to help identify and work through emotions and feelings with our students. Sometimes we do this through song and dance! If you would like more information on The Zones of Regulation please visit Thank you! Original song written and performed by Domenic Bianco Additional performances by Charlie Sisemore and Jake Stillman Produced by Jake Stillman and Domenic Bianco © 2020 Domenic Bianco
