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Kyla - Hanggang Ngayon (Official Music Video)

This is Kyla's first ever music video 'Hanggang Ngayon' taken from Way To Your Heart. Stream or Download on Subscribe to our channel ­ PolyEast Records is one of the top record companies in the Philippines. Headed by veterans in the music business, PolyEast's artists include top recording artists such as Martin Nievera, Bamboo, Zsa Zsa Padilla, Kyla, Nikki Gil, Karylle, Zia Quizon, Champ Lui Pio, Sandwich and TJ Monterde. Subscribe to this channel to get first dibs on your favorite artists' music video teasers, official music videos, and album launch invitations. Visit our Website: Like us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter:   / polyeastrecords   Directed by Lyle Sacris with special appearance of SLAPSHOCK;s frontman JAMIR GARCIA. Said song and video won MTV's best video in Asia!
