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Sci-Fi Classic Review: TIME AFTER TIME (1979) 4 года назад

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Sci-Fi Classic Review: TIME AFTER TIME (1979)

Nicholas Meyer's first directorial effort is built on the amazing premise of H.G. Wells traveling in time to catch Jack the Ripper. It's not the most well-made movie, but it's a ridiculous amount of fun that set the stage for the future Star Trek icon. If you're looking for a "review" in the traditional sense, then let me just say I love this movie. This video, however, is a "review" in the literal sense (using the Miriam-Webster definition "a retrospective view or survey"), in that I'm going over the history of the film and its place in sci-fi cinema history.   / emagill     / writeremagill     / e_magill   Related video reviews: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea -    • Sci-Fi Classic Review: 20,000 LEAGUES...   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan -    • Sci-Fi Classic Review: STAR TREK II: ...   The Time Machine -    • Sci-Fi Classic Review: THE TIME MACHI...   Other links: H.G. Wells interview (1) -    • INTERVIEW WITH H G WELLS - SOUND   H.G. Wells interview (2) -    • H.G. Wells Interview (0)  
