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Circular Saw Blade Guide - Which Circular Saw Blade to Use 1 год назад

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Circular Saw Blade Guide - Which Circular Saw Blade to Use

Blades and Saw Used: Diablo 7 1/4" 40 Tooth ATB Blade: (Amazon) Diablo 7 1/4" 60 Tooth ATB Blade: (Amazon) Dewalt 7 1/4" 24 Tooth ATBR Blade: (Amazon) Dewalt FlexVolt 60V MAX Circular Saw: (Amazon) Choosing saw blades for your circular saw may seem overwhelming. In this video, I break down the basics of how to choose a circular saw blade so this task is much easier. Join our community by subscribing to Reluctant DIYers here:    / @reluctantdiyers   This video is not sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission that helps us create more videos. We only recommend products we own and love, or those that we would purchase for ourselves. Our mission at Reluctant DIYers is to help YOU overcome challenging situations, find ideas to help you create new options in your living space, and Do It Yourself with confidence. Whether you want to DIY or not, this channel is for you. From simple tasks to more complex creations, we'll cover it all. #CircularSaw #ReluctantDIYers #CircularSawBlade Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Song: High on You / Hallman / courtesy of
