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How to make authentic Italian spaghetti sauce (gravy) from scratch

This authentic Italian Pasta Sauce / Spaghetti Sauce recipe has been handed down through Annette’s side of the family for more than 4 generations. It’s a versatile sauce that can be used on spaghetti, in lasagna, as a pizza sauce and as a marinara sauce. You’ll need to allow an hour to prep the sauce and 3 or 4 hours to let it simmer. Letting the sauce simmer and thicken is the authentic Italian way. Your home will be filled with the fantastic aroma of what the true Italians call Pasta Gravy . . . spaghetti sauce. This recipe makes 8 quarts of spaghetti sauce and it tastes absolutely delicious . . . way better than Ragu and of course, it costs much less too! You can call it spaghetti sauce, pasta sauce or gravy - but no matter what you call it, you'll love the flavor. Visit for the complete ingredient list and instructions Steve & Annette Economides - NY Times Best Selling Authors and Speakers Authors of "America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money" and "Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half." Learn more at Music in the video is: Bushwick Tarentella - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "America's Cheapest Family— How we got started, How We Live Life and Save Money"    • America's Cheapest Family Saving Mone...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~
