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The Truth about ABSINTHE: Just a $$ TRICK on Tourists? 1 год назад

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The Truth about ABSINTHE: Just a $$ TRICK on Tourists?

Get SECRET MAPS & TIPS for Prague here ➡️   / honestguide   Why are there so many weed shops in Prague? Watch here:    • Why Are There So Many Weed Shops in P...   Honest Guide 📸   / realhonestguide   Janek 🎤   / janekrubes   Honza 🎥   / honzamikulka   Facebook 👥   / honestpragueguide   The music we use for our videos 🎵 Get creative assets for your videos 🎬 0:00 Absinthe Everywhere 0:18 The Problem With Absinthe 1:12 Hallucinations? 1:29 Illegal? 1:46 Cheap? 2:30 Just A Marketing Tool 3:57 Absinthe Breakdown With an Expert 5:07 Shopping for the REAL Absinthe 7:54 Secret Final Tip 9:00 Czech Word Thank you for your support! Janek Rubeš & Honza Mikulka, Prague based journalists #HonestGuide
