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15 Min Barreless Ballet HIIT Workout - Full Body Sweat & Sculpt Workout

This 15 minute ballet hiit workout is a quick but effective and sweaty full body workout. My ballet inspired dancer workouts are perfect when you want to get those long and lean dancer muscles and are looking for a beginner friendly, no jumping at home workout. #barre #legsworkout #FitLara Check out the FitLara Online Studio for Full Body Workouts and more :) 👉👉👉 Social Media & Website 👈 👈 ONLINE STUDIO: INSTAGRAM: @fit.lara FACEBOOK: @FitLara Attention: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Please consider factors such as flexibility, strength and general health before doing a new exercise to determine whether a particular exercise is suitable for you or not. Like any other exercise, it is inherently dangerous and can cause injury. Any injury resulting from the correct or improper use of the exercises in the video is the sole responsibility of the user. FitLara and its partners disclaim all liability for injuries resulting from the use of this exercise. We recommend that you contact your family physician before performing any exercise or workout.
