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The BEST & most FUN Sci Fi rule set EVER?!

In this video, I'm going to be taking a look at the Sci Fi skirmish game Stargrave, and chat about why its such a fun and compelling game. BIG shout out to Joseph A. McCullough Don't forget to subscribe for more painting tips and tricks. Also I've partnered up with the The Army Painter, and will be using their Warpaint Fanatic range in my videos. AFFILIATE LINKS Use the below affiliate links for Sci Fi, Fantasy and Historical miniatures as well as any paints n stuff. We Print Miniatures:- for 10% off use Promo code, PEACHYTIPS Warlord Games Affiliate Link: (I earn from qualifying purchases you do after following this link - at no cost to you) Wargames Atlantic Affiliate Link: For business enquiries please contact me at [email protected] Patreon -   / peachytips   Instagram -   / __peachy_tips__   Twitter/X -   / _peachy_tips_   00:00 Intro. 00:40 Talking Stargrave 04:27 The Crew - Captains 09:11 The Crew - Firstmate 10:11 The Crew - Soldiers/Specialists 14:52 Test Model - Painting a HELLDIVER 21:04 Peachy's Crews 21:45 The Mercs 22:28 Pulp Space Ladies 23:47 The Jade Crew 24:39 Chinese Honour Guard 26:09 The Green Berets 27:04 Lower Decks 28:08 Colonial Marines 29:16 The GOATS 30:01 The Rogue & the Misfits 30:56 The Resistors (Rebel Stormtroopers) 32:18 The Visitors ( V ) 33:40 XCOM 34:06 Black Squadron 34:39 Thoughts 'n' Stuff 38:06 Credits
