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UNBELIEVABLE! 13 Fallout 4 Glitches Unaffected by NEXT GEN

In this video, discover 13 of the most effective Fallout 4 glitches and exploits that continue to function even after the next generation update. Join me as we explore each glitch in detail and uncover their impact on gameplay and exploration! [CHAPTERS] 0:00 Still working FO4 glitches post Next Gen Update 0:19 1. Special Points Exploit 12:03 2. Resource Duplication Glitch 15:00 3. Infinite XP Glitch 18:03 4. Infinite Caps Glitch 21:45 5. Weapon Modification Exploit 26:14 6. Wall Climb Glitch 28:07 7-8. Unlimited Fusion Cores and Power Armor Frames 30:22 9. Duplicate Power Armor Exploit 33:17 10. Legendary Farming Method Exploit 37:37 11. Clone Legendary Effect Glitch 42:08 12. Kneecapper - Broken Legendary Effect 44:30 13. Cryolator Exploit 45:55 What to watch next? [TRAPPED IN FALLOUT] Become a Channel Member:    / @trappedinfallout   [FALLOUT 3 GUIDES] All Guides:    • Fallout 3 | Trapped In Fallout   Glitches:    • Fallout 3 Glitches | Trapped In Fallout   Unique Weapons:    • Fallout 3 Unique Weapons | Trapped In...   Unique Armor:    • Fallout 3 Unique Armors | Trapped In ...   Companions:    • Fallout 3 Companions | Trapped In Fal...   Bobbleheads:    • Fallout 3 Bobbleheads | Trapped In Fa...   [FALLOUT 3 DLC GUIDES] Operation Anchorage:    • Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage | Trapp...   Broken Steel:    • Fallout 3 Broken Steel | Trapped In F...   Point Lookout:    • Fallout 3 Point Lookout | Trapped In ...   Mothership Zeta:    • Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta | Trapped I...   The Pitt:    • Fallout 3 The Pitt | Trapped In Fallout   [FALLOUT NEW VEGAS GUIDES] All Guides:    • Fallout New Vegas | Trapped In Fallout   Glitches:    • Fallout New Vegas Glitches | Trapped ...   Unique Weapons:    • Fallout New Vegas Unique Weapons | Tr...   Companions:    • Fallout New Vegas Companions | Trappe...   Skill Books:    • Fallout New Vegas Skill Books | Trapp...   Unique Armors:    • Fallout New Vegas Unique Armors | Tra...   [FALLOUT NEW VEGAS DLC GUIDES] Dead Money:    • Fallout New Vegas Dead Money | Trappe...   Honest Hearts:    • Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts | Tra...   Old World Blues:    • Fallout New Vegas Old World Blues | T...   [FALLOUT 4 GUIDES] All Guides:    • Fallout 4 | Trapped In Fallout   Glitches:    • Fallout 4 Glitches | Trapped In Fallout   Magazines:    • Fallout 4 Magazines | Trapped In Fallout   Unique Armors:    • Fallout 4 Unique Armors | Trapped In ...   Bobbleheads:    • Fallout 4 Bobbleheads | Trapped In Fa...   Companions:    • Fallout 4 Companions | Trapped In Fal...   Unique Weapons:    • Fallout 4 Unique Weapons | Trapped In...   [CONTACT ME] Twitter:   / trappedfallout   I'm Mo and I'm Trapped in Fallout. I explore the wasteland and create guides just for you. #trappedinfallout #fallout4
