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Скачать с ютуб Mamata Vs Centre: CBI Arrests TMC Leaders In Narada Scam But Overlooks BJP Turncoats в хорошем качестве

Mamata Vs Centre: CBI Arrests TMC Leaders In Narada Scam But Overlooks BJP Turncoats 3 года назад

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Mamata Vs Centre: CBI Arrests TMC Leaders In Narada Scam But Overlooks BJP Turncoats

On May 17, CBI arrested four senior Trinamool Congress leaders in the Narada sting operation case shot in 2014. The leaders include Firhad Hakim and Subrata Mukherjee, former mayor Sovan Chatterjee and ex-transport minister Madan Mitra; however no CBI action was taken against two other accused in the case, Mukul Roy and Suvendu Adhikari, who are now in BJP. Follow us: Website: Facebook:   / moneycontrol   Twitter:   / moneycontrolcom   Instagram:   / moneycontrolcom   #moneycontrol #naradascam #cbiarresttmcleaders #mamataatcbioffice
