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Скачать с ютуб Nikon Z9 vs Nikon D750 Comparison: 26 Reasons to buy the Z9 and 5 Reasons to buy the D750 в хорошем качестве

Nikon Z9 vs Nikon D750 Comparison: 26 Reasons to buy the Z9 and 5 Reasons to buy the D750 1 год назад

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Nikon Z9 vs Nikon D750 Comparison: 26 Reasons to buy the Z9 and 5 Reasons to buy the D750

In this video, you can find the reasons to choose between the Nikon Z9 and the Nikon D750 and decide which camera suits better to your needs. You can read the detailed comparison of Nikon Z9 vs Nikon D750 here : 00:00 Stacked Sensor 00:10 Zero Blackout Viewfinder 00:20 Video Record Limit 00:30 In-built Image Stabilization 00:40 Touch Screen 00:50 Viewfinder Magnif. 01:00 Image Processor 01:10 Sensor Resolution 01:20 Max ISO 01:30 Number of Focus Points 01:40 LCD Resolution 01:50 Continuous Shooting 02:00 Color Depth 02:10 Dynamic Range 02:20 Max Video Resolution 02:30 Full-size HDMI Port 02:40 Bluetooth 02:50 Focus Bracketing 03:00 Focus Stacking 03:10 Illuminated Buttons 03:20 CFexpress Card Support 03:30 Animal Eye AF Tracking 03:40 Vehicle Tracking AF 03:50 Webcam Function 04:00 Anti Flicker 04:10 Eye Tracking Focus 04:20 Built-in Flash 04:30 Battery Life 04:40 Weight 04:50 Low Light ISO 05:00 Sensor Pixel Area
