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Скачать с ютуб Stratasys J8 3D Printer Series | Full-Color, Multi-Material 3D Printing в хорошем качестве

Stratasys J8 3D Printer Series | Full-Color, Multi-Material 3D Printing 4 года назад

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Stratasys J8 3D Printer Series | Full-Color, Multi-Material 3D Printing

For more information on the Stratasys J850 visit For more information on the Stratasys J55 visit For full-color, multi-material 3D printing services visit For more information on Stratasys PolyJet 3D printing technology visit Design and creativity have no limits. Now, with the Stratasys J8 Series, the same is true for prototypes. Our tried and tested technology simplifies the entire design process, streamlining workflows so you can spend more time on what matters –creating, refining, and designing the best product possible. From early-stage prototypes to high fidelity models the J8 Series is designed for all stages of design and a multitude of applications. Product Designers - Prototype faster and more realistically from concept stages through high-fidelity models. Packaging Designers - Balance functional design needs with end-user impact, placing realistic models in stakeholders hands early and often. Design Engineers - Create and test design concepts for form, fit or function. Biomedical Designers - Bring to life patient-specific anatomical models for testing, teaching or pre-surgical planning. Subscribe now - Follow us on Social! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn:
