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Скачать с ютуб Aurelion Sol's early game is WAY stronger than you think... в хорошем качестве

Aurelion Sol's early game is WAY stronger than you think... 1 год назад

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Aurelion Sol's early game is WAY stronger than you think...

Get Aurelion Sol coaching here in the discord section:   / discord   Stream:   / lol_sol   Business Inquiries: [email protected] In this video, I show some Aurelion Sol gameplay on patch 13.18. Aurelion Sol can be an absolute lane bully. And I go into some of the most hardest matchups and show that Asol can come out on top. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:29 Xerath/Lane Positioning 1:33 Lux 2:20 Tristana/Lane Tactics 4:43 Syndra/Play Around CC 9:50 Vex 10:39 Vladimir/Perfect Played Lane 12:42 Talon/Play Around Minions 14:37 Recap 15:32 Asol Guide/Conclusion
