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Скачать с ютуб Garrett Wade Set of 5 Micro-Carving Tools в хорошем качестве

Garrett Wade Set of 5 Micro-Carving Tools 5 лет назад

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Garrett Wade Set of 5 Micro-Carving Tools

These hand-forged, razor sharp blades are set in octagonal, lightly stained cherry handles. The short blades put the cutting edge right at your fingertips, for unusually good feel and control. Perfect for detailed wood carving, linoleum cuts, model making, furniture restoration, or anything where a delicate touch is required. Each of the five pieces is 5½" long overall, with 4" handles and 1½" blades. Set includes: 2 mm Straight Gouge; 1.5mm V-Gouge, 3mm V-Gouge; 1.5 mm U-Gouge; 3mm U-Gouge. Made in the USA. Shop Now:
