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ESCAPE Granny in OLD Tannerites House!! You WON’T Do It!

Granny tricked us as we tried to escape her house! She added You Won't Do It Challenges to try to keep us in! Check out Hello Neighbor on Scott And Camber's Channel HERE:    • HELLO NEIGHBOR IN REAL LIFE! GET OUT ...   Welcome to the Tannerites. We post FUN family Videos! We are a family of 9 (Mom, Dad and 7 kids) who love to experience the best of life through spontaneous adventures, being positive about life's difficulties, loving and serving others and BEATING Cancer! Follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA! Snapchat Twitter Facebook Instagram Send us something in the mail TANNERITES PO BOX 971194 Orem, Ut. 84097 Music by: For collaborations, business and personal inquiries please email: [email protected] #giantlego #lego #escaperoom #youareworthit
