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Israel's war sparks cash crisis in Gaza with torn banknotes and severe currency shortages 9 дней назад

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Israel's war sparks cash crisis in Gaza with torn banknotes and severe currency shortages

Life in the besieged Gaza Strip remains dire, with soaring costs rendering essentials unaffordable for many. Amidst a devastating humanitarian crisis, Palestinians have turned to repairing torn banknotes as merchants refuse damaged currency. Over 14 months of Israel's war have left much of Gaza in desperate poverty, with acute shortages of food, water, and medical supplies. Some, like Mohammad Abu Elias, are left with unusable currency and are desperately seeking solutions. With no banks or new cash in circulation, residents are finding innovative ways to make their limited funds usable, yet even basic goods remain out of reach. Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary reports from Deir el-Balah, Gaza. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter   / ajenglish   Find us on Facebook   / aljazeera   Check our website: Download AJE Mobile App: #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #GazaCashCrisis #GazaBankingSystem #GazaEconomicCrisis #GazaCashShortage #GazaWar #IsraelGazaWar #GazaShortages #GazaUnderAttack #GazaBombardment #AlJazeeraEnglish
