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Understanding Condominium & HOA Documents: A Buyers Guide 1 год назад

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Understanding Condominium & HOA Documents: A Buyers Guide I'm Matt Fuller. I'm here to talk about condo documents and what you can expect as a buyer when you make an offer on a condo in California. State law guides what a seller must provide to a buyer when selling their condo. As a buyer, you should expect to see a full set of governance documents, a full set of restrictions, a full set of the budget and budget documents as well as all of the recent HOA meeting events.  That's a lot of documentation. It's not untypical for those documents to run a thousand pages or more. We've got a great blog post that goes into more detail about all of those documents, and what smart buyer should be looking for. In addition, we've got three tips for buying a condo that goes beyond those documents. Visit our blog for the article and when you're ready to buy or sell a condo in San Francisco, I look forward to hearing from you.
