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PATCH 8.2 PREVIEW: Rise of Azshara Features Look Promising

The Patch 8.2 Preview was promising and Rise of Azshara Features look promising! Cool thing is we're getting the patch 8.2 ptr next week and boy are we excited for Nazjatar and Mechagon! Azshara's Eternal Palace... man how that sounds... but nothing compares to the new Hearth of Azeroth system... we do go over this and all the features of patch 8.2 wow rise of azshara as well as the 8.2 heroic warfront, 8.2 island expeditions, punchcard trinket and many other stuff that seem to bring a good fresh air for BFA. Hoping we get to test the eternal palace raid but if that will not be availabe, at least we get to test the 8.2 hearth of azeroth system. All in all, stick to MarcelianOnline for more updates from the WoW PTR and Patch 8.2 release date wow :) #riseofazshara #wow #bfa 🏆Become a founding father for MarcelianOnline   / marcelianonline   📦Shopping on Amazon? Get the cool stuff we have! ✔Follow us on Twitch   / marcelianonline   ✔Like us on Facebook   / marcelianonline   ✔Follow us on Twitter   / marcelianonline  
