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Pakistan Judges Salary, Perks and Allowances | MBG Speaks | Outline News 1 месяц назад

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Pakistan Judges Salary, Perks and Allowances | MBG Speaks | Outline News

#OutlineNews #JusticeYahyaAfridi #ChiefJustice #Judiciary #BilalGhauri #SC #SupremeCourt The federal government has increased salaries, house rent and supreme judicial allowance of Supreme court and high court judges, a notification issued by the Ministry of Law and Justice has indicated. According to the notification signed by acting president Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, the house rent of high court judges has been increased from Rs65,000 to Rs350,000. Likewise, the superior judicial allowance of the judges has also been increased from Rs342,431 to Rs1,090,000. Here, Bilal Ghauri shares further details and compares perks and privileges of Pakistan Judges with India and Bangladesh For More follow us   /     / outline_news
