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Скачать с ютуб CRAZY Solar Activity is going to CLIMAX during a Full Supermoon ⚡ в хорошем качестве

CRAZY Solar Activity is going to CLIMAX during a Full Supermoon ⚡ 1 месяц назад

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CRAZY Solar Activity is going to CLIMAX during a Full Supermoon ⚡

We've had 19 M- flares and 1 X-flare and a massive plasma filament launch in the past 48 hours, and five coronal holes right now on the Sun are active with their high-speed streams about to slam into the Earth. Then on November 15th we have a full Supermoon conjunct the planet of sudden disruptions Uranus in the sign of fixed Earth Taurus indicating that perhaps the new large and very dynamic sunspot cluster that's appear which will be lined up exactly Earth-bullseye may blast off a surprise or three around that time. Space Weather and energy report by geophysicist Stefan Burns. 👨‍🏫 Sign up to the Planetary Resonances eCourse to learn more about the effect the Solar System and Cosmos has on our planet and quality of time. Be a better astrologer, geophysicist, or energy reader! Visit the Wild Free Organic Store for all your holistic wellness and spirituality needs! 👣 Earthing Shoes: ✅ Subscribe to my channel: ‪@StefanBurns‬ 00:00:00 Solar Activity Report 14:12:59 Taurus Full Supermoon Astrology Report 22:36:24 Cat. 2 Hurricane Rafael Update 25:30:13 Third Eye Cosmic Connection Meditation Credit: NASA NOAA Zoom Earth #spaceweather #solaractivity #astrology #geomagneticstorm #solarmaximum #planetarygeometry #geophysics #science #earth #earthelectrification #electricuniverse #bioelectricity #solarmaximum #ascension #spirituality #solarflash
