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EastEnders: Ruby and Martin's Heartbreaking Roman Update – Will Their Tensions Break Their Family? 2 дня назад

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EastEnders: Ruby and Martin's Heartbreaking Roman Update – Will Their Tensions Break Their Family?

#EastEndersspoilers, #EastEnders, #EastEndersspoilers2024 , #EastEndersbbc, #eastendersspoilersnextweek, #eastendersfullepisodes, #eastenders, #eastendersnexttime EastEnders spoilers next week from 9th - 12th December 2024 EastEnders: Ruby and Martin's Heartbreaking Roman Update – Will Their Tensions Break Their Family? The drama intensifies in EastEnders as Ruby and Martin’s already strained relationship faces a major test with their son Roman's deteriorating health. After returning from prison, Ruby reveals that she secretly gave birth to Roman while incarcerated, and now Martin is fighting for custody. The tension between them escalates when Ruby denies Martin access to Roman at the hospital. However, with Roman’s condition worsening, Ruby is forced to turn to Martin for help. Will they put aside their differences for Roman’s future, or is their fractured relationship beyond repair? #EastEnders #RubyAndMartin #RomanUpdate #LiverDonation #FamilyDrama #CustodyBattle #EastEndersSpoilers #HospitalDrama #RomanHealth #EastEndersTension #Heartbreaking #FamilyFirst #LiverTransplant #RubyAndMartin EastEnders' Ruby and Martin receive major Roman update The pair are on frosty terms Ruby returned to Walford last month following a spell in prison, informing ex-husband Martin that she privately gave birth to Roman whilst behind bars. Martin had secretly plotted to gain full custody of Roman, who is in hospital with autoimmune hepatitis, but first he needed Ruby to add his name onto the birth certificate. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scripted & Narrated by Lucas Edited Using Product proshow Music: Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons License – Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: You guys just watched a product of UK SPOILERS SOAP channel ,see you in the next video We talk soaps: eastenders spoilers, emmerdale spoilers, Corrier spoilers, hollyoaks spoilers, .... Videos use google search images, so if there's a copyrighted image, please contact me. I have searched for other materials through domestic and foreign newspaper sources to get information for the video above Videos refer to the documents at the website:
